Torah Commentary

Torah Commentary

Vayeilech for Teens: Shabbat Sha-raps

In this parasha, Moses again says that they will be punished for worshipping  idols, but will be blessed for when they have behaved well. He says he will be dying and announces his successor. He also warns of a rocky future.

Ki Teitzei for Teens: Shabbat Sha-raps

In this parasha, Moses explains  a bunch of laws, including family, divorce and more. He says not to forget the evil acts of Amalek. Listen to learn the laws listed and explained.

Eikev for Teens: Shabbat Sha-raps

In this parasha, Moses tells the Israelites to follow God’s laws, and how it will be good if they remember the rules. He also reminds them how many times they’ve sinned – listen in, it’s a tale to hear!

D'varim for Teens: Shabbat Sha-raps

In this parasha, Moses recaps the physical journey the Israelites underwent, and reflects on the reports of the spies. Joshua will become the next leader. Listen to other reflections from Moses.